Posts tagged CBD
How Do CBD Edibles Work?

What types of cannabis edibles are best for getting better sleep or enjoying a day in the sun? If you’re curious about CBD edibles and the variety of effects and benefits they have, then you’re in the right place! We’re going to take a close look at how CBD edibles work to help you determine which types may be right for you

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What are “Rare Cannabinoids”?

Most cannabis users are well aware of pot’s most famous molecule, Tetrahydrocannabinol Δ9 (or THC for short). And take it from us, we love THC, too!

But did you know that THC is only one of dozens of types of unique molecules that are produced by marijuana plants? Years of scientific research suggest that many of these naturally occurring and chemically-unique molecules, called cannabinoids, can have a measurable and significant impact on your high.

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Pets, Wellness & Cannabis

If you’ve come into Hashtag Fremont, you’ve probably had the pleasure of meeting at least one of our lovely shop dogs. Our most famous Puptender is the big, lazy 10-year old Chocolate Lab, Nahla. While Nahla might get up to greet you, wag her tail in contentment or beg for a treat (or 3), she is developing a common ailment in labradors: hip dysplasia.

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