Why Isn't CBD Intoxicating Like THC?
By Jeff Eckenrode
If you or someone you know has tried cannabis before, odds are you’ve heard of THC.
THC is the principal intoxicating molecule found in cannabis. It’s the reason we get “high” when we smoke or eat cannabis products!
You’ve likely heard somebody you know talk about CBD too.
You might even have a friend, a family member or a coworker that uses it for treating anything from anxiety to sleeplessness to physical discomfort.
But unlike THC, CBD is a non-intoxicating part of cannabis. Which means it won’t get you high.
But why is that? How does CBD work? And if it won’t get you high like THC then what are its benefits?
If you’re looking to know why CBD isn’t intoxicating like THC then you’ve come to the right place!
What is CBD?
CBD (which stands for “Cannabidiol") is a molecule that is produced naturally by cannabis plants (just like THC!).
Cannabis research suggests that CBD, along with other chemicals found in cannabis, can have unique health benefits.
CBD has even proven itself to be effective in combating the adverse, uncomfortable aspects of a THC high.
How does CBD work?
Throughout your body there is a vast network of special receptors that interact with cannabinoids like THC and CBD. These receptors are called “Endocannabinoid” receptors and make up your Endocannabinoid System (or ECS for short).
There are two different types of endocannabinoid receptors present throughout the human body: CB1 and CB2 receptors.
CB1 receptors are most commonly found in the central nervous system. They are responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects. They are also present in many areas of the brain and play a role in regulating our memory, mood, sleep, appetite and pain sensations.
Unlike CB1 receptors, CB2 receptors are mainly present in the peripheral nervous system and in immune cells, where they influence the immune response and inflammation.
THC and CBD naturally attach or “bind” to these receptors. When that happens, the receptor then sends a message to the rest of the ECS to initiate a chemical response.
When you eat a CBD edible or smoke CBD-rich flower, CBD enters your bloodstream. Once in your blood stream, CBD can interact with one of the many receptors in your ECS.
Why isn’t CBD intoxicating like THC?
Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t make you “high” and typically doesn’t cause any negative side effects.
Why is that? To date, cannabis researchers aren’t completely sure how CBD interacts with the ECS.
What they do know is that CBD doesn’t bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors the same way THC does.
Instead, many scientists believe CBD interacts with our bodies by preventing cannabinoids like THC from being broken down.
The result? This can minimize some of the negative or undesirable effects of a THC high, like anxiety or paranoia.
Other researchers believe that CBD may, in fact, bind with a type of endocannabinoid receptor that hasn’t been discovered yet!
While the details of why CBD doesn’t get you “high” like THC are still under debate, research suggests that CBD can help with a wide variety of conditions and issues.
What are the benefits of CBD?
Decades of cannabis research suggests that CBD can help with a variety of issues related to physical pain, nausea, and sleeplessness.
CBD may help reduce inflammation, which is involved in conditions like arthritis.
Some studies suggest that CBD may help to alleviate anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
Other studies have shown that CBD may inhibit the growth and spread of certain types of cancer cells.
Want to learn more about THC or CBD?
Then you’re in luck! Check out some of our related posts on THC and CBD!
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