Posts in Edibles
Hashtag’s THC-infused Sour Mango Gummies recipe

THC-infused edibles

Sweet, fruity and irresistibly delicious. Who doesn’t like a tasty gummy or two?

While the THC in cannabis gets a lot of credit for its relaxing effects, the terpene Myrcene, found naturally in both cannabis and mangoes, can also help to ease anxiety too. 

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Hashtag's CBD-Infused Whipped Cream recipe

CBD-infused edibles

Making CBD-infused treats are as fun to create as they are to eat!  Looking to enjoy the relaxing and relieving effects of CBD over time? Or hoping to share mellow vibes with friends? Then you’re in luck! Home-cooked edibles allow everybody to savor CBD at slower pace than traditional smoking or vaping.  Simply put, CBD edibles are the way to go!

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Hashtag's CBD-Infused Guacamole recipe

CBD-infused edibles

Making CBD-infused treats are as fun to create as they are to eat! 

Looking to enjoy the relaxing and relieving effects of CBD over time? Or hoping to share mellow vibes with friends? Then you’re in luck!

Home-cooked edibles allow everybody to savor CBD at slower pace than traditional smoking or vaping. 

Simply put, CBD edibles are the way to go!

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What's the right amount of THC for me?

Discover everything about THC: why some users need higher doses due to tolerance, and how it impacts cannabis consumption. Learn how THC tolerance develops, its benefits, and its downsides, including the need for higher THC doses to achieve effects. Explore THC dosage guidelines: daily recommendations for edibles, total cannabinoids, and the ideal starting dose for first-time users.

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Hashtag Buyers’ Choice 2020: Edibles, Drinks, Tinctures, and Topicals

Do you prefer your cannabis consumption to be inhalation-free? Well, this is the blog for you. Our purchasing team has chosen their favorite edibles, drinks, tinctures, and topicals of 2020.

Click here to get the whole list!

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Thanksgiving Shoppers: Clouds on Clouds vs. A More Discreet Approach

We Hashtagians know how to throw it down. Clouds of smoke. Clouds of vapor. Homemade edibles that come with a warning.

We miss our parties real bad.

And we also know how to keep it discreet. Sometimes, we want to be friendly with others, and yet, we just want to keep our level of intoxication to ourselves.

We don’t want to share, and we don’t want the world to know precisely that we’re high at all. Discretion is often necessary.

With no further ado, allow us to introduce our newest installment in our Thanksgiving Shoppers blog series!

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Thanksgiving Shoppers: High Rollers vs. Budgeters

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner? To help your Thanksgiving shopping needs, we’ll be sharing different collections each week with recommendations, no matter how you like to celebrate the long weekend.

And to kick off this blog series, Hashtag’s Marketing & Creative Director, Christine, put together her favorite products for the High Rollers among us with cash money to burn. But don’t worry, she will never forget the rest of us Budgeters who are looking for the best high that every dollar can buy.

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#How I Hashtag: Meet Adé

The great Adé A. Cônnére is more than a multi-talented artist; she is a force of nature. She is an actress, a singer, a musician, and an activist. Her demure glamour is matched only by her playful sense of humor.

She’s equally at ease turning a jumbo-sized bingo wheel with a smart quip and a loud laugh as she is listening intently, even quietly, to a new friend over pizza.

We photographed Adé at Re-bar where she works as a bartender on March 3, 2020, just after Re-bar celebrated their 30th anniversary. Since 1990, Re-bar has been an icon for underground music, alternative theater, and the LGBTQIA/QTPOC communities of Seattle.

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#How I Hashtag: Meet Tyler

If you’ve visited our shop in Redmond, you’ve probably met Tyler.

His sublime descriptions of cannabis products are nothing short of captivating, informative, and always spot on. His mind is creative, and his demeanor friendly to all.

And after we finish a conversation about cannabis with Tyler, we always leave feeling happy and enlightened.

Check out Tyler’s favorite ways to consume cannabis, learn why he wanted to join the Hashtag team, and read what he predicts for the future of the cannabis industry in Washington and at large.

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Best Edibles of 2019 in Washington State

For those of us that are patient, edibles can be the way to go when trying to get high. Though they can take an hour or two to kick in, you get a great body high that lasts much longer than your high had you have smoked. Plus, you get a snack in addition to getting high. For the best of both worlds, smoke a joint while you wait for your edibles to kick in!

Here are some of our most decadent and drool-worthy edibles from 2019 …

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Best Beverages of 2019 in Washington State

Our staff at Hashtag Cannabis has tasted every infused beverage we carry, and do we ever have our favorites. Our staff regularly reviews all the products we sell, and you can read those reviews below.

And now, the votes are in! With no further ado, let us present the results—here are Hashtag Cannabis’ staff picks for the top 5 best beverages of 2019 in Washington State.

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Edibles that hit the right SPOT

Regardless of your opinion on cannabis types, plant genetics and their associated effects, one thing is for sure: the nuance of cannabis flower has been communicated loud and clear.

But what about edibles?

An educated stoner might tell you that the question is irrelevant. That your liver, which is responsible for breaking down THC in your body, cannot tell the difference between a Sativa brownie or a Hybrid cookie or an Indica chocolate.

But the same goes for smoking flower.

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Top 5 Sugar-Free & Low-Carb Edibles

Edibles are awesome! Tasty, sweet, tart, or crunchy… no matter what form they take, edibles are a fun (and discreet) way to get loose and have a good time.

But what if you’re trying to lose weight? Or if your diet doesn’t allow you to eat foods that are high in sugar?

Not to worry, you’re not alone. A lot of the budtenders at Hashtag have dietary restrictions just like you. But we don’t let it keep us from having a good time!

In fact, Hashtag carries a wide variety of low-carb and sugar-free edibles.

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Best Of Summer 2018

Summer is almost here! Long, sun-soaked days and cool, starry nights are on the horizon. Not to mention dozens of new strains and cannabis products to choose from! So, what should you be smoking this summer? What tasty edibles or cartridges should you bring to the picnic or BBQ?

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