Posts tagged Green Revolution
Top 5 Sugar-Free & Low-Carb Edibles

Edibles are awesome! Tasty, sweet, tart, or crunchy… no matter what form they take, edibles are a fun (and discreet) way to get loose and have a good time.

But what if you’re trying to lose weight? Or if your diet doesn’t allow you to eat foods that are high in sugar?

Not to worry, you’re not alone. A lot of the budtenders at Hashtag have dietary restrictions just like you. But we don’t let it keep us from having a good time!

In fact, Hashtag carries a wide variety of low-carb and sugar-free edibles.

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What are “Rare Cannabinoids”?

Most cannabis users are well aware of pot’s most famous molecule, Tetrahydrocannabinol Δ9 (or THC for short). And take it from us, we love THC, too!

But did you know that THC is only one of dozens of types of unique molecules that are produced by marijuana plants? Years of scientific research suggest that many of these naturally occurring and chemically-unique molecules, called cannabinoids, can have a measurable and significant impact on your high.

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CBD Hangover Remedies

Altering your state of mind from time to time is awesome! And whether you like to smoke a joint while taking a long walk, or share a few pints after work with an old friend, taking time to unwind and relax is an often overlooked but much needed part of everyday adult life.

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