How did Panama Red Get Its Name?
By Jeff Eckenrode
Mysterious, powerful, and Legendary.
Stories about the one and only cannabis strain, Panama Red, are as exotic as they are exciting.
But what is Panama Red? Where did it come from? And what has made Panama Red a beloved classic strain for generations of cannabis enthusiasts?
If you’re looking for answers, then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about Panama Red!
What is Panama Red?
Panama Red is a sativa strain of cannabis that originated in Panama in the 1960s.
Grown commonly in the remote Pearl Islands, Panama Red has a distinctive earthy scent and flavors of citrus and grapefruit.
The plant's red appearance may have inspired its name.
What gives Panama Red its color?
Much of Panama Red’s color comes from the hair-like structures on its flowers, called Pistils.
The pistils of cannabis plants catch pollen from male cannabis plants, which leads to fertilization and seed production.
They are an essential part of the cannabis plant's reproductive process.
How rare is Panama Red?
Although Panama Red is well known as a classic cannabis strain it is very rare to find. Few cannabis growers cultivate it specifically today.
This may be due in part to the difficulty in finding un-hybridized versions of the strain as well as its longer-than-average growing lifecycle.
Unlike many cannabis strains which can flower in as little as 6–8 weeks, Panama Red takes much longer, 12 weeks or longer, to fully mature and flower.
What’s special about Panama Red?
Panama Red is well-known for its unique aroma, its bold flavors and its high-THC content.
When smoked or vaped, Panama Red often induces a mellow cerebral high and slight body relaxation.
It’s high is characterized by euphoria and an increase in energy making it a perfect choice for sketching, painting or cleaning the house.
Like many high-THC strains, Panama Red can cause anxiety and paranoia in some users, particularly in large doses.
Does Panama Red still exist today?
Luckily, it does!
The people of Panama have grown cannabis generations and have passed seeds along generation to generation, since hundreds of years ago.
Today, there are Panama Red seeds available from collectors and Panama Red products available for purchase at dispensaries like Hashtag, but they are increasingly rare and hard to find.
Where can I find Panama Red?
Whether you’re shopping in Seattle, Redmond, Everett or online, we’re here to help you find what you need, when you need it. That includes Panama Red!
We carry Panama Red in smokeable flower and vape cartridges. Click on one of our online menus below to see our current availability.
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