How to Recycle Used Cannabis Jars: A Step-by-Step Guide


By Keivan K., Social Media & Content Creation


Cannabis jars are sturdy and versatile, making them perfect candidates for recycling and repurposing. Instead of tossing them away, why not give them a new life?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a simple process to clean and repurpose your used cannabis jars.


Step 1: Collect Used Cannabis Jars

The first step is to collect your used cannabis jars. After enjoying your cannabis products, don’t throw away the empty jars. Keep a designated spot in your home to gather these jars. Not only are you reducing waste, but you’re also saving money by repurposing something you already have.


Step 2: Peel Off Easy-to-Remove Stickers

Once you have a good collection of jars, it’s time to start the cleaning process. Begin by peeling off any easy-to-remove stickers. Some labels might come off effortlessly, while others may be more stubborn. Removing these labels is crucial as it prepares the jars for thorough cleaning.


Step 3: Scrub Hard-to-Remove Stickers and Labels

For those stubborn stickers and labels that didn’t come off easily, you’ll need to put in a bit more effort. Grab some steel wool, and start scrubbing. This might take some elbow grease, but it’s worth it to have clean, label-free jars. Make sure to scrub until all adhesive residue is gone.


Step 4: Let the Jars Dry

After scrubbing, rinse the jars with water to remove any remaining bits of label and adhesive. Then, set the jars aside to let them dry completely. You can place them upside down on a drying rack or a clean towel to speed up the drying process.


Step 5: Repurpose and Fill Your Jars

Once the jars are dry, they’re ready for their new life. Fill the jars with whatever you desire. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Herbs and Spices: Store your culinary herbs and spices in these jars. The airtight seals keep your spices fresh for longer.

  • Office Supplies: Use the jars to organize paper clips, push pins, or rubber bands on your desk.

  • Craft Supplies: Store beads, buttons, or other small craft items.

  • Homemade Products: Fill them with homemade beauty products like lotions or bath salts.

  • Snack Storage: Keep nuts, seeds, or dried fruits fresh and within reach.

Recycling and repurposing your cannabis jars not only helps the environment by reducing waste but also saves you money and adds a personal touch to your storage solutions.


Final Thoughts

Recycling used cannabis jars is a simple and rewarding process. By following these steps, you can turn your empty jars into useful storage containers for a variety of items around your home. Start collecting your jars today and enjoy the benefits of recycling!


Check out our YouTube video all about repurposing used jars below!

Keivan KComment