I Read it on Reddit: Best Subreddits for Cannabis Knowledge
By Lucas Kleven, Hashtag Everett shift lead
In the golden age of the internet, where you have an infinite amount of information at your fingertips, it can be difficult to filter through the uncountable amount of websites, videos, blogs, and whatever else that Google Search will pull up. Many seasoned browsers of the web utilize a particular tool to easily find what they are looking for: just add “Reddit” to the end of the search!
Reddit’s easy sign-up process and over 100,000 active communities, also known as subreddits, make it the perfect platform for users across the world to ask questions, get answers, and access information about an endless variety of topics. Reddit is also home to a thriving cannabis community, active across hundreds of different subreddits, all discussing their favorite ways to consume and cultivate their favorite plant, as well as clarifying information for newer members or those with questions. We’ve collected a handful of these subreddits that are full of helpful tips, useful information, and definitely a few memes to help you learn more about whatever topic you choose!
Photo by Elsa Olofsson.
The quintessential cannabis subreddit. r/trees is the virtual gathering hall for any cannabis consumer on Reddit. You can find discussions on any topic from how to clean a bong, what your favorite strain is, to changes in laws about cannabis around the world. r/trees serves as a catch-all for any question, topic, meme, or any other form of posting you can find online, but if you’re looking for more in-depth knowledge, they also curate an up-to-date list of other cannabis subreddits based on location and topic. Fun fact: The subreddit for people who like Trees (like, the plant) is called r/marijuanaenthusiasts!
This subreddit is dedicated to discussions centered around cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid news. Here you can find the latest studies, changes in law, and business happenings from around the world. For such topics that demand a bit more seriousness taken when it comes to their discussion, this board is a bit more stringent with their rule structures--you won’t find images and memes about cannabis. r/cannabis is purely here to get straight to the brass tacks of cannabis laws and studies and discuss the implications they may have across the industry, and even the world!
Who better to ask for tips regarding cannabis than a gigantic hivemind of stoners on the internet? People head to this board to ask literally any question that even tangentially involves cannabis. You can find users asking how to clean their bong, the best ways to prevent clogging on a cartridge, tips on taking a tolerance break, and more! They even have a “New to Smoking” guide that includes helpful lists defining lingo, things to avoid, and oodles of useful information for those just joining the Cannabis Crew.
On r/Dabs, users are talking about dab rigs, showing off their recent pick-ups from their local dispensary, and asking each other questions about how they take their dabs and where they can find different pieces and accessories for their dab rigs. You’ll often find out about the newest tech regarding concentrates on this page, such as what e-rigs just hit the market, new hand-blown glass pieces, or different pieces of glass to put in your banger that switch up how your dab hits.
If you’re looking to learn more about edibles, including how your body interacts with edibles and some tasty recipes to try at home, look no further than r/treedibles. These folks are passionate about their edibles and even more fervent about their recipes and concoctions. You’ll find post after post containing food you never thought could get you high--from chocolate lava cakes and peanut butter fudges, to gummies and coffees, the list is endless! They also provide detailed diagrams and infographics about edibles, how they affect your body, and how they differ from smoking cannabis.
Photo by Jeremie Aubut.
Dedicated to the cultivation of cannabis, r/microgrowery focuses on the growing process of our beloved greenery. Here you’ll find different individuals sharing their processes, pest prevention methods, and images of the plants and setups they have at their homegrows. I’ve learned so much from this subreddit simply by browsing through the comments on a post that ended up on my feed. You’ll see people clamoring over the frostiest buds you’ve ever seen, asking how it was done, and finding out new things about how cannabis is grown.
And there you have it! These subreddits jumped out at me as I went down the rabbit hole of cannabis culture on Reddit, but there are hundreds of others. Throw a proverbial dart at the metaphorical board, and see if you learn something from one of the many other subreddits that you’ll find linked in sidebars, posted in comments, or referred to in a post that’s been made on several different subreddits. Comment down below if you’re a regular browser of these boards, or if you have one you’d add to the list!