CBD: Everything You Need To Know About CBG
By Jeff Eckenrode
By now, you’ve likely heard somebody you know talk about CBD and its uses for treating anxiety, sleeplessness, or physical discomfort.
You may have even tried it for yourself by buying a CBD pre-roll, vaporizing cartridge, edible, or topical.
Photo credit: Elsa Olofsson
And although CBD gets a lot of attention for its therapeutic benefits (and rightfully so, too), CBD is just one type of the dozens of stress-relieving and restorative molecules found naturally in marijuana.
If you’re looking to learn more about cannabis and how it can help improve your everyday life, then you’ve come to the right place!
Photo credit: Elsa Olofsson
Today, we’re going to take a deep dive and discover the extraordinary features and benefits of one of marijuana’s rarer cannabinoids called “CBG”.
What’s CBG?
CBG is short for “cannibigerol” and is the third most common, naturally-occurring compound found in cannabis.
Image credit: ResearchGate
Like other chemically-unique molecules found in cannabis (called “cannabinoids”), CBG has several remarkable properties that can evoke unique effects on the human body.
Why have I heard about CBD but not CBG before?
CBD, like THC, is considered a “major cannabinoid” by most cannabis researchers. That’s because it is one of the most common cannabinoids found in marijuana.
However, the cannabis plant produces over 100 other “minor cannabinoids”. And unlike THC or CBD, these minor cannabinoids are only found in very small amounts.
Photo credit: George Dagerotip
CBG is one of these naturally occurring and rare minor cannabinoids.
Like most minor cannabinoids, CBG wasn’t discovered until the 1960s. So cannabis researchers are only now beginning to understand its properties and potential benefits.
If CBG is so rare, then what’s the big deal about it?
Don’t be mistaken: CBG’s description as a “minor cannabinoid” refers only to its relative abundance in cannabis. Its power and effects, however, are anything but minor.
Photo credit: Crystalweed Cannabis
What are CBG’s effects?
Anecdotally, CBG is reported to have pain-relieving effects, much like CBD.
Recent research indicates that CBG can be effective in treating chronic illnesses in animals, including inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS/IBD).
CBG also has antiseptic and antibiotic properties, which can be effective in fighting difficult infections, including MRSA.
Why is CBG only produced in small amounts?
CBG is often referred to as “the mother of all cannabinoids” because it is the first cannabinoid the plant produces. Its acidic form, CBG-A, is the original compound from which many other cannabinoids are derived from, including CBD and THC.
Photo credit: Matteo Paganelli
As a cannabis plant grows, its CBG molecules change into different cannabinoids as a natural result of photosynthesis. You can think of cannabinoids like CBD and THC as the “children” of CBG.
CBG is most frequently found in strains of cannabis that have a low amount of THC and a high amount of CBD.
What are the benefits of CBG?
Often referred to as “CBGiggles” by budtenders, CBG is known for its tendency to uplift one’s mood. As a result, CBG often provides feelings of giddy, goofy elation.
Photo credit: Jamie Brown
In terms of its potential benefits, CBG may be effective in treating pain, nausea, and inflammation.
Many people utilize the power of CBG’s stress fighting and anxiety relieving properties.
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