Hashtag Cannabis

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Why Does CBD Work Best With THC?

By Rachel Hantula, customer & product manager

Sunday August 8th is CBD Day!

Happy CBD Day to you all!

We have an incredibly vast selection of CBD products in both of our stores. Whether you prefer to smoke, vape, eat, drink, sublingually absorb, or apply your CBD topically, we have an abundance of options for you!

Here at Hashtag, we absolutely take advantage of the entourage effect whenever and however possible while consuming cannabis (in any form of consumption) especially when trying to medicate or relieve with CBD.

What’s the Entourage Effect, you ask?!

The entourage effect is the idea that molecules that form together organically within nature are able to interact with one another in ways that are useful. In cannabis, THC, CBD and many other cannabinoids and terpenes form within the glandular heads of trichomes on flower.

Since these compounds form together organically in nature, based on idea behind the entourage effect, these compounds should work together synergistically when interacting with a biological system, like our own endocannabinoid system (ECS), as opposed to isolated cannabinoids (soley THC or CBD, etc) interacting with our ECS.

Wait, please refresh me, what does Endocannabinoid System mean?

A lot of folks refer to the Endocannabinoid System as the air traffic control center for the body. It drives a good deal of our physiological processes including mood control, appetite, pain regulation and much, much more! The ECS actually evolved in life hundreds of millions of years ago. Most animals on our planet have an ECS, from chimps to birds to sea sponges! Because this biological system evolved so long ago, our species has evolved with it, catering to its needs to sustain ourselves on this planet. Life has developed around it. This is why we see so much diversity in the types of things cannabis can do for people!

So, when a varied ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes act together to engage with our ECS, the entourage effect can take hold!

An example of an individual who may benefit from the entourage effect (anyone can) would be someone who experiences severe anxiety. CBD has been well known anecdotally to relieve stress and keep anxiety at bay.

While a very high CBD ratio with virtually zero THC does help some individuals get relief, we have found through our own experience, even small amounts of THC drastically increase the efficacy of such high CBD products in this context!

In reality, all the cannabinoids play a part, but we typically see CBD & THC in the highest concentrations in today’s cannabis market. That being said, other cannabinoids are starting to really make their way to the mainstream and contribute just as much to the entourage effect as CBD & THC!

Should I consider the entourage effect when selecting a CBD topical?

The answer is a resounding YES!!! Many folks find the CBD topicals they purchase over the counter at the local corner store or over the internet just don't quite have the effect that they’ve heard CBD to be famous for.

This is because products purchased at local convenience stores and over the internet, legally, have to be hemp-derived and can not have any significant amount of THC to help boost the topical’s efficiency and effectiveness!

I personally experience severe menstrual cramps every month, and one of my favorite topicals is Verdelux’s 1:1 CBD:THC Salvation Mercy topical. Although it has a hefty dose of THC, it is non-intoxicating but still very effective for pain relief.

Other staff favorites that include doses of THC in addition to CBD for topicals include Fairwind’s Flow Cream as well as Cere’s Dragon Balm if you’re experiencing some aches & pains!

It is important to keep in mind, everyone’s bodies are different. Effects will always depend on a specific individual. Keep an open mind, try out different ratios of CBD:THC to see what is best for you!

And don’t forget, CBD is almost always better with some THC!

Happy CBD Day everyone! Come give us a visit at either of our locations to discuss what CBD products may be right for you!